
20081028 / 23:48

There is a right way and a wrong way to fight…

Listen to me, every single day when we wake up in the morning, its like the bell goes off in the boxing ring and there’s a fight that goes on. For every hour and every moment that you are awake, each and every day there is a fight that happens this morning and it ends at the end of tonight when you go to bed and put your head on the pillow that its determined who won the fight for that day. When you wake up in the morning, you have to make a decision: is today going to be a day of faith? Or is it going to be a day of unbelieve? Is today going to be a day of anger? Or is today going to be a day of love? Is today going to be a day of peace? Or will it be a day of anxiety? Is it going to be a day of purity, or impurity? Is it going to be a day of joy, or a day of depression?You may have got a depressed day today and maybe feel like you got knock out today. Well, listen to me - tonight, stand up on your feet, a righteous man will get knock down 7 times, but he will rise again, and say, “No, I’m not letting you take me out anymore! I choose joy in Jesus name!”

Everyday is a fight - and we need to be a fight generation!

There’s two kinds of Christians out there - there are those that will complain when situation arises or those that would contend when situation arise!

Faith without works is dead!

You may not like every different way we do the service or the worship is not long enough or its too long… Shut your mouth, quit being a complainer, be a contender with us ‘cuz there’s a fight going on! And you and I are not the enemy, the devil’s the enemy! If the devil has got us fighting each other, then he’s got us!

We need to speak blessing and not cursing!

The depth-less people are people that tend to live in the past and sit idle in the present. We get all excited about what happened in that season. I don’t want to be concern with the past, I live right now and I want to see God move right now.

It’s the testing that determines if its true or temporary.

- by Pastor Elijah Waters on February 7th - Fight Right

Hey guys, it's time for us to fight, and fight right. So let's get down to spiritual battle with the devil and start praying for My Hope Singapore :)


What could stand before You
As You chose to embrace
A cross so undeserved You took for me
The weight of sin upon You
When You offered Your life
As You walked the streets of men
With fading strength

How could we live but not see
Your sacrifice
Your glory

You reign, You reign
Over everything Lord, You reign
With power, and justice divine
Over everything Lord, You reign

What was Your last thought
As You drew Your last breath
Where the victory was Yours for us to see
And all will know the truth
As we live by Your grace
Every praise to You alone

See now the King of Glory
Love of God become my calling
Father I surrender all I am to You forever

You reign - Hillsong United

(You can get it here) Do learn it, we'll be singing it in cell real soon!

20081026 / 17:09

Love. We should really love the people around us and not take them for granted. Love is a big word and we should not take the word so lightly. To some people, it might mean alot because they have never experience it for themselves. To be loved, you must first love. On the other hand, other people just throw the word 'Love' around like as if it is like a roti prata or something.

Motivate. That is one word in my dictionary that is in bold and in large fonts. In fact, it is in the largest font that you can ever imagine. Without motivation, some people just feel so weak and lost because even a simple phrase like " I'm with you!" can just spur someone.
A question for you. How often do you motivate the people around you?
It can be through little actions or words. It can also be messages like" I hope you will have a nice day in school. Be a shining light for Jesus." etc. Messages that put a smile onto one's face is also something that I agree and I totally encourage you to do it. If you have not be encouraging or motivating someone, why not start trying.
You will never know until you try it. The results might be even better than you expect.
As for me, everytime I encourage someone, I will always feel a sense of satisfaction and I can actually feel as if my heart is smiling. Isn't it assuring for your friend to know that there is at least YOU who will be there supporting him/her through good times or bad?

Peace. I pray that the people taking O/A levels will be filled with the peace and love of God.

Anyway, though this is not a spiritual post, but I do hope that it gets you thinking/ moving in terms of motivating someone etc.

Do bless the people around you. Pray for them. And love those people that you find it really hard to love.
If there is anyone of you suffering silently inside, my advice to you is' Look to God'. Just rest assure and cast all your cares upon him. Just feel his arms around you as he embraces you.
Remember, whatever you going through is a learning process for you. It might be a painful/long/tiring process, but just hang in there. In this process, without you realising it, but YES, you are being moulded. Moulded more to be the child that God has plan.

Have a nice day and God bless!


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